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Peachlab is an architecture collective created in 2016 by a multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers and photographers. Born from Brussels Third Landscape, the collective establishes its practice between the  Extraordinary  and the Quotidian; between reality  and fiction.

Peachlab develops, among other things, in-situ interventions, theoretical projects, late entries for already disappeared spaces, and workshops at the architecture school.

Peachlab means experiment; to propose an idea upon an environment; to evolve ideas along with evolving possibilities; to exploit the diversity offered by people and places.


Delva, the making of a book, lecture, Brussels,  @ ULB - LaCambre Horta

1777 possibilité d'un anachronisme simultané, workshop & exhibition, Brussels, within SIP.22 Semaine d'innovation pédagogique, ULB - LaCambre Horta


bravoure, scarcity & beauty |  late-entry competition proposal for the "Maison du pays des colines" in EllezellesEllezelles

kek//: enquête architecturale, workshop, Brussels, within SIP.21 Semaine d'innovation pédagogique, ULB - LaCambre Horta


RRU-COVID, Une contribution à Desired Spaces, un appel à articles lancé par le CIVA, le VAI et l'ICA WB.

• peachlab @ the radio, Interview led by Fanny Lacrosse in Par Ouï-dire, La Première - Documentaires, "Façons de Voir : Panorama à la Centrale / Peachlab", 17.09.2020, RTBF auvio, source

kek//: enquête architecturale, workshop, Brussels, within SIP.20 Semaine d'innovation pédagogique, ULB - LaCambre Horta (canceled)


50°52'52.8"N II, public square, Brussels

• 50°52'52.8"N I, public square, Brussels

International Bureau of Memory, competition for the Venise Biennale 2020

Zone grise: Delva, historical research around the molenbeek valley, Brussels

Porfiro Rosso, fiction, Brussels

WOW! WHAT!? WHY?, workshop, Brussels, within SIP.19 Semaine d'innovation pédagogique, ULB - LaCambre Horta, with Paul D'Haese, Pierre Blondel and Iain Sinclair


Chapel, exhibition in collaboration with Cinema Jolia, l'escaut, Brussels

Rue 3030, workshop, Brussels

Forte Taille III , in-situ intervention, Charleroi

Plaine II, in-situ intervention, Brussels

Plaine I, in-situ intervention, Brussels

Delva, exhibition,  Recto-Verso-LaCambreHorta, Brussels

Forte Taille II, in-situ intervention, Charleroi

ssm+mq_delva, in Now What? exhibition, CIVA, Brussels

Outside the box, competition for the Belgian Pavilion at the Venise Biennale 2018

Forte Taille I , in-situ intervention, Charleroi


Waves and walls , in-situ intervention, Brussels

Jean Delva, fiction, Brussels

Waves and walls , in-situ intervention, Brussels

Moon's Tempel, in-situ intervention, Brussels

Altar, in-situ intervention, Brussels

Carnak, in-situ intervention, Brussels

Premices, in-situ intervention, Brussels


La coupe, Brussels

Tomás Barberá Ramallo, Lina Bentaleb, Clément Dat-Sénac, Medime Derebey,
Yuli Nagata , Mihai Pop, Louis van Soest,  Louis Ville, Coralie Berthelé

Tomás Coen, Sébastien Bez, Malou Blank, Mélanie Gueguen, Mathilde Junger, Jacob Lindloff, Antoine Moulin, Adèle Moraux, Basile Museux, Nicolas Rogeau,
Vincent Van Grevelinge, Laura Saussez, Clémence Ridel , Tejhay Pinheiro  Albia, Thomas Pennesi, Florian Mullié, Kelly Maxel,  Charlotte Angerand, Mahili Feugarol, Laurane Gossart, Coralie Berthelé, Jonathan Van Saet, Malo Cherel, Amina Belguendouz, Alicia Plaza, Elias Chabbi, Julian Zhang, Mohamed Jihed Merahi, Mohammadreza Khavand, Loic Gras, Karim Hanotiaux, Axel Wlody, Cathrine Yang, Clelia Barberá Ramallo, Clémence Grand, Dilan Imbaquimbo, Dina El Khattabi, Johanna Fernández, Loïc Mabire, Nathan Gatignol, Salwa Biyadi

peachlab 2022 // All rights reserved ©

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